Thursday, September 20, 2007

The High Calling of Motherhood!

Hey, ladies! Last night was great! We had nearly 20 women at book club to discuss chapters 1 & 2. We had 2 tables of discussion going on, so I'm going to fill you in on the table I was sitting at! I didn't make notes on every thing we talked about, but here are some tidbits of our conversation! :)

Right off the bat, Lynette shared how she's already implementing the strategy of looking deeper than her daughter's behavior--to her heart--and it's WORKING! Tammy had a similar experience this week with her son. She talked about staying "connected to her son's heart". How awesome and what an encouragement to us to press on!

We talked about the role of God's Word in disciplining our children and we are GRATEFUL for God's instructions. Even when we are overwhelmed at how to get it from the Bible to our mouths and to our children, we are so glad to be on this journey. Some of us have the example of a Godly mom and some of us do not--we are grateful that God's Word equips us for our role as MOM.

Page 25 talks about getting our children to "behave". We discussed that correct outward behavior from our kids doesn't mean that we have reached their hearts.

Wendy shared a precious story (with pictures!!) of her sweet little ones from a few years ago, reminding us to have a measure of GRACE over our children. Her kids set up a picnic in the kitchen early one morning, and even though they knew the rule to not get into the pantry without permission, she saw their hearts in it.. .they were offering her a picnic!! a peanut butter sandwich!! cookies!!! coke!!! She decided to laugh and take pictures!! :) She reminded us of Psalm 103:10 "He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities."
Awesome reminder, Wendy.

OK. So here's something our table didn't get around to talking about, but I think is an interesting topic. . .

At the end of Chapter 2, Ginger Plowman basically says that if we want to raise hypocritical children--little hypocrites--then we'll ignore their hearts and just focus on getting them to act right--especially in public!! What do you think?

If you want to comment, hit the COMMENT button and type in your response!!

Don't forget to read chapters 3 & 4 for next week!



Anonymous said...

I love what she said about raising hypocritical chidren! I don't want our children to act a certain way at a certain time in a certain place just because they think who they are just isn't good enough. This is teaching her to wear a mask to who she really is! She was made in the image of Jesus and I want her to so badly know that! I want her heart to be provoked to desire things constantly that are pleasing to Jesus! And if it is not pleasing to the Lord that the Holy Spirit would convict her spirit and ours to help her. Just some thoughts!

Wendy Torres said...

Well, I agree. I think we miss the mark when we do that. No only are we teaching them to put on a show and that "their works" will please us but, I think we are totally setting them up for failure. Unfortunately, many people are taught to play this game and they deceive themselves and others. I think that when we look a little bit deeper and have in mind a goal, in that we want not only the meditation of our heart but--- also the meditation of the hearts of our children, to be pleaseing to the Lord. (then we will see things differently.. we are trainging them aren't we?) Doesn't God say that even our best (good) works are like filthy rags to Him and doesn't He also say that He doesn't look at the outward apperance of man but, at the heart?
I also think that when we teach them to do this, they are being taught to do things just to please others and we can get lost living in that type of thinking, never knowing who we really are.... just what we can do to please others.

Ok, so I'm going a little deep with that thought I know. It's really important to me though. Now, one last note..... If our children have a standard that is expected of them in their behavior at home and all the time I don't think behavior outside of home will be an issue. My children know what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Do I remind them of this.. ( what is ecpected of them as we go places) yes, but I also hold them to it. In public or not. ( so their will be consequences for disobedience)
So, how was that for conversation? Long winded I know, but I hope you see where I'm going with that.?!
I love my kids and I love being a doubt it IS one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Hope you ladies are having a good day!!!